Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fiesta all around

A little reason for partying, one common thing that can be easily found among the people of South Europe is a party culture. The way they make fun, the way they rest during the week days... Yeah, Fiesta is all around.

June 23 is a Festival of San Juan (Saint John) and here in small Catalonian cities everyone is off to party. The festival, which is also called "verbenas" meaning open air fiestas, is a celebration of the summer solstice. This is when the region and certainly Barcelona prepares to welcome the hundreds of thousands of tourists that visit every year. It takes place on the eve of Saint John's day - a public holiday in Catalonia. Being off from work the following next day, this is a night when the people don't hold back in having fun.

Here in a tiny, but beautiful city of Tarrega everything is sunk in noise, people dance and sing, fireworks and of course drinking...

A small piece of video, which I've recorded during the early evening on the main square of the town.


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